Get your free printable Spring home maintenance checklist to make sure your house is ready for a new season.
There’s always something that needs to be done around the house, but not everything has to be done all at once. As Spring brings warmer weather and the opportunity to be outside, you’ll want to focus on tasks to make your home and garden more comfortable.
After you scroll through this detailed list, be sure to download a free check-off version of our Spring Home Care Checklist printable. You can easily cross off the tasks as you do them.

You’ll want to download our free Fall Home Maintenance Checklist, too! And check out our list of home improvement projects by the seasons.
1. Wash Windows Inside
After a couple seasons of the windows being closed and the heat on, the interior surface of your windows can be cloudy, dirty and smudged. It’s time to make them as bright as possible to let the sun shine in!
Using a no-streak window cleaner (or DIY window cleaner) and lint-free microfiber towels, wash the insides of your windows. It’s best to do this when the sun isn’t shining through the window because the heat from the sun can create streaks.
If your windows open, be sure to clean out the window tracks, too. You may want to use your vacuum and a toothbrush to help clean out the dirt and bugs. Or use one of these easy and affordable window groove gap cleaning tools.
2. Clean Blinds or Shades
Dust has been building up on your window blinds or shades for months now! It’s time to get rid of the allergens found in that dust. One of the easiest ways we’ve found to clean blinds is using a dusting glove. Just grasp each blind in your hand and swipe your hand across.
3. Feed the Lawn & Treat for Moss
If you want a green and healthy lawn in the summer, you need to give it the nutrients that it needs in the Spring. I’ve had great success using this lawn feed for Southern lawns.
Different types of grass will require different types of weed and feed. Your local garden center should have the type that your area uses.
4. Get Rid of Your Lawn!
If you prefer not to use chemicals, want to save water, and don’t want to mow, you may consider getting rid of your lawn all together. Now’s the time to do it, before you want to spend even more time outdoors. See how I replaced my lawn with wood chips.
If you still want greenery or plants in your yard but not the yard work, here’s some great no-mow lawn alternatives.
5. Mulch Flower Beds
Tidy up your flower beds by removing dead leaves. And pulling any unwanted seed sprouts or other plants that you want to remove.
Add a fresh layer of mulch on top of your beds. This helps your soil maintain moisture during the dry summer months, and can keep weeds from growing as fast when the weather starts to warm up.
Want to save money on mulch? Here are some great ways to get free wood chips for mulch.
6. Store Seasonal Clothes & Shoes
It’s time to put away the bulky sweaters, big puffy jackets, and winter boots.
Be sure to wash and mend all of the clothing before you put it away. Or donate it if the items no longer fit or no longer bring you joy. Empty coat pockets and clean dirt, mud or salt residue off of your shoes.
If you have limited space in your closets, store your off-season items out of the way, such as under the bed.
Under bed bins help you make the most of your space. Getting some with wheels, or with lids that open halfway, will make it easier to access the clothing should you happen to need a sweater for a couple days. (These are our Top 10 picks for under bed storage organizers.)
Use vacuum storage bags if your space is really small. These will remove air from your clothing and reduce the amount of space you need to store them. Next winter, your clothes and jackets will just fluff right back.
7. Organize Closets
Now that you’ve made room for your warm weather clothes, take a little time to reorganize your closet. A little time spent organizing can save you a ton of time getting ready every morning.
Don’t feel overwhelmed. Here’s some of the best ways to organize a woman’s closet!
And here’s some Easy Walk-In Closet Organization Ideas.
8. Dust
When the sunlight starts streaming into the house again, it can be horrifying to see how much dust has accumulated. Or where cobwebs have started to grow.
Dust surfaces through your home, but don’t forget lamps and fans, too.
9. Vacuum Under Beds
It is amazing how much dust can accumulate under a bed. It may even be causing you breathing problems while you sleep, without you even realizing it, because of dust mites.
You might need to actually push your bed away from its normal position to vacuum or sweep up all of the dust and dust bunnies. They seem to be worse in the very middle where it’s harder to get to!
10. Vacuum Under the Couch and Cushions
While you’ve got the vacuum out, clean under your couch, too. You may find food, toys, cash, and other surprises.
If you can, remove the couch cushions. Vacuum under them, and clean the cushions as well.

When you put them back, if you can, turn the cushions over so the other side is facing up. You’ll get more life out of your couch if you spread the wear out more. If you always sit in one spot, that cushion will have more wear than the others. Rotating the cushions into different positions will also increase the life of your furniture.

That’s why something like this cordless furniture vacuum really helps you keep your furniture clean. A small investment could save you a lot of money by not needing to replace the furniture.
11. Fluff Throw Pillows in the Dryer
Gather up your throw pillows, and toss them in the dryer. (Read care labels, first, to see if the material can handle the dryer.) This will help to fluff up your pillows again and make them feel fresh and plush. Put a couple tennis balls or dryer balls in with them and they’ll come out fluffy!
I also like to swap out my throw pillow covers for the season. You can get completely different looks with the same pillows, just by putting on a new cover.
Here’s an easy tutorial to make your own pillow covers.
12. Prune Trees & Shrubs
Spring is a great time to prune and reshape your trees & shrubs. Not all plants should be pruned in Spring, though. For instance, azaleas shouldn’t be pruned because they will soon bloom on the old growth. Hydrangeas are too late to prune now, too.

Cut back any branches that are overgrown, or that were broken by heavy snow.
I mostly like to use small clippers. For bigger limbs, or branches that are out of reach, loppers are a good choice.
13. Start a Vegetable Garden
If you want to start a vegetable garden, order seeds now and plant as soon as possible. The package will tell you when to start each type of seed for your area.
Even if you don’t have room for a garden plot, you can grow some plants in pots. Strawberries do great in pots, such as these stackable pots perfect for edibles.
14. Put Out Your Outdoor Furniture
Whether you have a big yard, or just a tiny corner of a balcony, it’s nice to have a place to sit outside. Get out your outdoor furniture now to make the most of the sunshine.
For some fun ideas for creating a yard you love, pick up a free copy of our Outdoor Living Idea Guide.
15. Clean the Roof & Treat for Moss
Cleaning your roof may not be a DIY project (hire a professional), but it’s still something you should have done as needed.
Your roof may not need cleaning frequently. Check for visible moss growth or lots of leaves built up in gutters. Look for any areas that may have been damaged in Winter storms.

If you need to call in a professional, here are some tips for hiring someone you can trust: How to Hire Home Project Professionals
16. Check Your Smoke Detector Batteries
When the clocks change, it’s a good idea to check your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide monitor batteries. This way, you won’t be woken up in the middle of the night with a low battery beep. But most importantly, it can save your life by alerting you to dangerous air quality and fire.
It’s easier if you get monitors that have a 10-year battery life so you don’t have to worry about checking them. This ionization smoke detector has a 10-year lithium battery so you don’t have to remember to keep checking the batteries.
This carbon monoxide detector has a 10-year battery with another battery backup inside to protect you.
17. Plan Home Improvement Projects
Part of home care is creating a home you love. There may be some things that you want to change about your home with a DIY home improvement project.
While Summer is a great time to do home improvement projects, you should start planning for them in the Spring. This will allow you time to gather tools and materials, as well as create a budget and save up money, if needed.
Planning is a great way to reduce the stress of feeling overwhelmed by so many home projects to do.
For more tips on how to plan your DIY projects, be sure to checkout our popular resource: How to Build Your DIY Confidence.
With the right planning, you’ll be ready to tackle your home improvement projects when Summer rolls around.
Remember, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed by the list of home care tasks to do! Just pick a few that really matter to you, and to your home.
Be sure to download your free printable version of this checklist, to help you keep track of what you want to do to care for your home this season.
If you’re looking for a Spring Cleaning checklist to declutter inside your home, check out this 30 Day Decluttering Guide.