Looking for cute decorations for a graduation party? These DIY clay pot graduation caps are so easy to make with supplies from the Dollar Tree!
All of the materials were bought at the dollar store, which makes this an inexpensive handmade craft that grads will love!

These miniature graduation caps are a fun craft to make for graduates. They can be used in so many ways, such as:
- Party decorations
- Table place settings
- Cake toppers
- Personalized memory gift
While we made traditional black and yellow graduation caps, you can customize the colors for the school. Just paint the clay pot with one of the school colors and use the same color felt. The tassel should be a different color.
To personalize the caps, write the graduate’s name and year of graduation on the clay pots with a craft pen.
Be sure to see our other graduation crafts, too, including:

How to Make a Clay Pot Graduation Cap Decoration
This tutorial makes two mini graduation cap decorations.
- Free Graduation Cap Pattern (or a 4.5″ X 4.5″ square pattern)
- 2 Clay Pots, 3.5”
- Black Felt
- Yellow Embroidery Floss Skein
- Black Button
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks or Craft glue
- Black Acrylic Craft Paint
- Paintbrush
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Piece of cardboard (I used a recycled crackers box)

Step 1
Paint the terra cotta clay pots with black acrylic craft paint.
Let dry, and apply a second coat, if needed.

Step 2
Remove the label from the embroidery floss skein. Measure and cut four lengths of floss that are 12 inches each.

Open the middle of the skein of floss. Tie and knot one of the embroidery floss lengths through and around each of the loops at the ends of the skein.

Step 3
Approximately three quarters of an inch down from the top knot, tie one length of embroidery floss around the skein, securing with a knot. Wrap each end around the skein three times. Wrap one to the left and one to the right. Secure again with a knot.
Repeat on the opposite end of the skein.

Step 4
Trim the longs ends of the wrapped embroidery floss with scissors. Measure and cut the skein of embroidery floss in half at the three inch mark with scissors.

Secure the knots with a small dot of glue from the glue gun.

Step 5
Print and cut out the graduation cap pattern template.
Trace the pattern onto a scrap piece of cardboard, such as a cereal box or crackers box. Cut out two pattern pieces.

Trace the pattern onto a piece of black craft felt, as well. Trace twice and cut out with scissors.

*** You could cut four pieces of black felt if you want to cover both the top and the bottom of the cardboard with felt. This would be best if you are displaying the clay pot graduation caps where the underneath would be visible.
Step 6
Glue the craft felt squares on top of the cardboard squares.

***If desired, glue a piece of black felt on the bottom of the cardboard, too.
Next, glue the felt and cardboard squares to the bottom of the clay pots.

Step 7
Place the tassel on top of the felt and cardboard cap. Trim the tassel hanger and glue to the center of the top of the graduation cap.

Then glue the button on top of the tassel hanger to cover the cut end.

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Want more clay pot craft ideas? Check these out: