Turn a Dollar Tree cutting board into a cute elf decoration for Christmas!
This inexpensive craft makes a fun holiday decoration that is perfect to add to your mantel, tuck on a shelf or display in the kitchen.

A cutting board elf is a great craft to make and sell at craft fairs!

DIY Cutting Board Elf Craft
Most materials were purchased at the Dollar Tree.
- Free Cutting Board Elf Pattern
- Jumbo Craft Sticks
- Unfinished Wooden Cutting Board
- Wiggle Eyes
- Red Tinsel Pom Poms
- Acrylic Craft Paint (Green, Pink, and Flesh Tone Color of Choice)
- Neon Green Craft Felt
- Hot Glue Gun or Craft Glue
- Sponge Dabber
- Paintbrush
- Permanent Black Marker
- Ruler

Step 1
Place the ruler toward the top of the cutting board near where the handle curves to the straight edge. Draw a line across the board with a pencil.

Step 2
Paint the bottom half of the cutting board with flesh tone color of choice.
Paint the top half of the cutting board with green acrylic craft paint. Let dry and apply a second coat, if needed.

Step 3
Cut two jumbo craft sticks in half. Glue two halves together along the sides with a hot glue gun. Then add a small piece of another craft stick across the seam to stabilize it. Repeat with the other two halves.
Download, print, and cut out the cutting board elf patterns.
Trace the elf ear pattern onto the double craft stick. Using the same pattern, flip it over and trace on the other double craft stick. Make sure that you have a right ear and a left ear.

Cut out the elf ears with scissors or a craft knife, if you prefer.

Trim the rounded end from a jumbo craft stick to become the nose.
Step 4
Paint the elf ears and nose with flesh tone color acrylic craft paint.
Let dry and apply a second coat, if needed.

Step 5
Trace the elf hat pattern onto neon green craft felt.
Cut out the hat, cutting inside the traced lines so that you don’t see any marker on the felt.

Step 6
Glue the felt hat trim to the bottom edge of the painted green hat. Wrap around the sides and glue to the back of the cutting board.

Step 7
Glue the ears to the right and left side of the elf’s face on the back of the cutting board. Use the photo below as a guide for the ear placement.

Step 8
Glue two wiggle eyes to the front of the cutting board face towards the hat brim.
Then add the nose underneath, slightly overlapping the nose over the wiggle eyes.

Step 9
Dip a sponge dabber into pink acrylic craft paint and stamp on either side of the elf’s face. Allow to dry.

Step 10
Glue six mini red tinsel pom poms to each point of the elf’s hat.
Then glue one jumbo red tinsel pom pom to the top of the cutting board handle.

Step 11
Draw a smile from cheek to cheek with a permanent black marker.

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This is just one of our many cutting board crafts! See these fun ideas next: